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A member registered Mar 17, 2019

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a lot of these say they are prequels to the main game...whats the main game?

0.1.0 was behind the paywall while the last version was out. Maybe be patient?

While changing VA is your choice and you picked a good fit, does it really matter who the VA is if the voice fits the character and the people connect with them? Kinda the beauty of VAing a video game is they only see whats on the screen, Amanda.

a new page

Huh, good question. It's almost like there's a announcement post stating where its releasing with a link to it as well as ways to keep up on the Games Progress as it's being developed :/

The Current Download "Version 1.1.3" shows as "Public Build 1.1.2" in the game. I'm not sure if thats the right one or if it's wrong...

I mean I suppose yeah, mainly since its an additional team being added and they would need to be paid but again - working hard on something doesn't always equal its going to be paid, like passion projects. Maybe it'll get funded by donations/patreon-esque funding, and it'll be free...or Not, who really knows. I've seen some people upload games for Free, then have a DLC avilable that acts like a donation to support them, so maybe they'll do that. Idid however recently learn it costs a fee to list a game on Steam, so sure if thats the same as publishing it but either way I dont mind buying it, or supporting it if funding is an option.

How much is the Fee, and are the Fee's based on size/gene of the game/app? Im not sure why people upload free games to Steam if it costs money, but you can always start a kickstarter or something like Patreon/Others to fund it, im sure people would donate some 

What makes you think it won't? Free games exist on Steam (and high paid games are sometimes too), you never really know

If this game can be played mouse only, maybe a mobile port is possible?

I saw the Linux icon when I was browsing and went "oh wow, they have an Android Build? I've been meaning to play this, more convenient" then to realize I'm just stupid XD 

I dont remember this being in the game, is this after .18?

Is this the full game (minus DLC ofc)?

"This project has been discontinued"

what happened to the actual characters?

or find the tools if you havent

wait until evening when your sister gets home, then click on the automaton

v0.1.0 came out

you need to get various parts to fix her, check the worktable in your room on what you need and suggestions on where to get them

Stupid question, how does one get to the 2nd story of the library?

the park is the single tree at the top area in the bottom right, and the only upgrade is the blood, did you get that?

inst monika morning?

facing wrong way

click the book in the top of your screen, then press the light bulb sticky note on the left page, that will show you how to progress Karl to get there. Think it involves Lauren

Out of curiosity, what TTS did you use for the Monke?

Click the .exe file?

dont you need to have access to the audio file to do that?

apparently woolie is "A marijuana cigarette laced with cocaine." which describes this game perfectly

his name is Wooly, as seen in the description of the game

so why is it "woolie" in the bonus tape but Wooly everywhere else?

you can spawn in with one in options (enabling dick) or go to the caves and theres some at the bottom for a price. Think the underground cat has some somtimes but not sure

You can manually add it

All my life ive seen people hate on this mechanic...why do you want it?

Hoping Scarlett's "suggestion" about the Plant makes it into the game :D

think the ??? might be the wolf. on the site thats what he's labeled as

Doesnt Antivirus have a "Exclude" feature?

Wish there was a OST for sale, great music in here

sorry I haven't replied sooner. My Discord is lels#6135

Man, im late to this...doubt you still have it, but could I also aquire this link?